Sciatica, Shooting Pain, and Hand Numbness

Sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other kinds of shooting pain really effect your quality of life.  In today’s post, we’ll cover typical approaches to treating these conditions as well as some additional strategies to help stop the pain. You’re...

Golfers Elbow Exercises

You know what stinks? Having golfers elbow when you don’t play golf!  I do lift weights three times a week though.  So this repetitive motion injury has reared it’s ugly head.  Because I’m a personal trainer, I didn’t go straight to Google to...

Stretches for Lower Back Pain

If you’ve ever had pain in your low back, you’ve probably Googled stretches for lower back pain.  Stretching and/or massage can temporarily relieve lower back pain, but it’s often not the cure. With my clients who have been doing stretches for lower...

Should You Stretch Before Exercising

A question that I’m often asked is, “should I stretch before exercising?”  The short answer is no.  But stay with me if you’d like to know why………. First up, there has been research to show that stretching before a workout does...

Reverse Plank Exercise

“I really should be better at this,” I thought to myself while at a conference a few months ago. It was a conference for personal trainers and the presenter had asked us to do the reverse plank exercise.  I was partnered with a guy who did his first.  His...

Quieting a Popping Hip Flexor

You’ve heard it:  that hollow clunk your hip makes during certain exercises. It doesn’t hurt, but good lord, it sure doesn’t sound good. You’ve probably heard that it’s a tight hip flexor muscle or tendon popping over the bone.  The...