January is rapidly approaching and exercise is now a conscious thought for many.? It’s funny how we suddenly have time to exercise in January.? We’re far too busy in the other months of the year to work on our fitness and health.? (Not!)?
Here’s the thing:? you MAKE time to exercise when the new year rolls around.? You faithful readers know I say, “you will never find time to work out, you must make time.”? I doubt that you are less busy and have extra time to spend working out in January.? You just don’t let schedules, excuses and distractions to get in the way.? If we all had the same level of commitment throughout the year as we do on January 1, we wouldn’t have to keep making the same resolutions each new year.
Back in 2009, I blogged about setting SMART goals.? While realistic goals are important, this year let’s discuss HOW you are going to achieve your health and fitness goals.? This is where you formulate a plan.? You need directions to get to where you’ve never been before, right?
Let’s tackle how to lose weight since this is a common resolution.? You know you need to exercise and eat better in order to lose weight.? So, what about your eating habits are you willing to change?? Remember, I don’t recommend restricting any specific foods.? If you love dessert, have it…but smaller portions and/or less often.? Is snacking on chips a habit you want to change?? Switch from chips to nuts and still get the salty crunch.? Maybe you want to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.? Have a piece or add fruit to your breakfast.? Focus on making one change at a time.
And now, the exercise part of the weight loss equation.? The worst thing you can do is go too hard, too fast.? Fitness centers world-wide empty out in February because the January crowd has burned out.? Before deciding how many days you’re going to workout, consider how many you currently do.? An increase of 300% will not be sustainable!? Start small.? Take the stairs instead of the elevator.? Spend an extra ten minutes on the treadmill.? Go to one additional group fitness class per week.
Write down two changes you are going to make.? One should be nutrition-related; the other, an increase in activity.? Then, tell all your friends and family.? Tweet and post on Facebook about your goals.? Anything to keep those changes in the forefront of your mind!