Often times, when we start changing the way we eat in order to lose weight, we eat more salads.? In fact, this week’s nutrition challenge in the Wintervention program is eating more fruits and vegetables.? This blog was inspired by a participant who asked about healthy salad dressings.?

The majority of low-fat salad dressings on the shelves have lots of added sugars to make it palatable.? While they may be low-calorie, they’re not necessarily healthy.? Olive oil and basalmic vinegar is a quick and easy salad dressing.? Olive oil is a heart healthy oil and the fat content helps keep you feeling fuller.? Here are two salad dressing recipes featuring olive oil that I like to make.
Maple Walnut Dressing
This one is sweet, spicy and delicious!
2 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
2 tsp Dijon Mustard
1 1/2 tsp Olive Oil
1/8 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp Ground Red Pepper
Whisk all ingredients together until combined.
Adapted From “The Best of Cooking Light 7″
Honey-Lime Dressing
Sweet and tangy?
1/3 cup Honey
1/2 tsp Grated Lime Peel
1/4 cup Lime Juice
1/8 tsp Ground Nutmeg
3/4 cup Olive Oil
In a small mixing bowl combine honey, lime peel, lime juice and nutmeg.? Beating with an electric mixer on medium speed, add oil to honey mixture in a thin, steady stream.? Continue beating till mixture is thick.? Serve immediately or cover and store in fridge up to two weeks.
From Better Homes and Gardens “New Cook Book” 11th Edition