Key Takeaways from Neurokinetic Therapy

Growth is outside of your comfort zone. I’ve heard the above phrase a number of times and it accurately described my feelings as I traveled to New York City for a Neurokinetic Therapy workshop. It was my first time taking a train and navigating around a huge...

The Relationship Between C-Section Scars and Ab Function

  They say C-section recovery is the hardest. It’s major surgery after all.  And the scar that you’re left with doesn’t help matters when it comes to well-functioning abs. Read on to discover how your cesarian scar can really disrupt the function of your core....

Why Your Neck Tension Won’t Go Away

Isn’t it interesting how we know so many of our health indicators like blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, resting heart rate, etc, but when it comes to knowing how our joints should move, we don’t have a number to measure that.  We just simply say...

Muscular Imbalances – Push Up Technique

I’m a big fan of push ups.  Almost all of my clients do them.  I can learn so much about my clients muscular imbalances by watching their push up technique. Muscular Imbalance #1 – Weak Core/Saggy Back By watching the push up from the side, I can see how...

Why Your Shoulders are Always Tight

“I carry my stress in my neck and shoulders.” Have you said that before?  In our super busy society, we are stressed on a daily basis.  Our nervous system, fascia, and muscles all hold the tension until we release it.  You might think that getting a...

9 Things I Learned About the Pelvis and Hip Joint

I recently attended a 2-day workshop all about the pelvis and hip joint.  It was taught by the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI.)  While the workshop was geared towards physical therapists, there were a few personal trainers in the room.  I think I held my own...