Did you overdo it during the holidays?? Maybe you need a Wintervention!?

What is a Wintervention?
The Wintervention program is a free six-week weight loss program.? The goals of the program are to lose 5 – 10 pounds, eat healthier and consistently exercise.?
How do I achieve those goals??
I’ll be providing workouts (with video instruction,) nutrition challenges and daily motivation.? The workouts can be done in your home or in a fitness center.? At the most, you’ll exercise four times per week.? Each workout is no longer than 30 minutes.
Keep in mind this is not a diet.? I won’t be telling you what to eat.? I’ll give you ideas on how to improve your current eating habits.? What you implement is up to you!
How do I participate?
To participate, all you have to do is “like” the Mix Fitness Facebook Page.? The program is exclusively for page fans!? Once you’ve liked the page, write on the “wall” stating your interest in participating by Friday, January 7, 2011.
When does the program start?
The program officially starts on Monday, January 10, 2011. I need at least 10 people to run the program. So, tell your friends that this is a great way to kick off their new year weight loss resolution. Use the “Suggest to Friends” feature in the upper left corner of the Facebook Page to tell your friends and family.
Details, Details…
You will weigh in once weekly on Fridays.? Each Friday, write on the Mix Fitness “wall” how many pounds you lost that week.? Why so public?? To motivate everyone participating!? My hope is that you will all support each other with congratulations and tips for what changes you make.
Each Monday, I will post the Top 5 “Leaner Leaders.”? These are the people who have lost the most total weight.? Remember, I’m only going to be posting first name, last initial and how many pounds you’ve lost.? No one wants their weight to be broadcast!
Because this program is based on the honor system, there is no prize.? The improvements in your health, energy level and exercise regimen will be the best gift you can give yourself.
What equipment do I need?
You’ll need a scale or access to a scale, dumbbells (various sizes, but no less than five pounds) or tubing/resistance bands.
What have you got to lose except a few bad habits and a few pounds?? Register today!
Please leave a comment if you have any questions.