The Death of Personal Trainers

Coming from a personal trainer, that title should raise some eyebrows.? My eyebrows were raised a couple times in the past few weeks by the actions of a couple personal trainers.? The first story is based on a conversation I overheard while in a buffet line at a...

What We Can Learn From Weight Watchers

I’m not a fan of diets.? To summarize a past blog post, diets are temporary.? When you return to eating the way you always have, you gain the weight back.? The only eating plan I even come close to recommending is Weight Watchers.? Why?? Because you make your...

New Year, Same Resolution

January is rapidly approaching and exercise is now a conscious thought for many.? It’s funny how we suddenly have time to exercise in January.? We’re far too busy in the other months of the year to work on our fitness and health.? (Not!)? Here’s the...