What is Rib Flare and Exercises to Help

Rib boobs. That’s what I’ve heard them called. When your ribs are sticking out, they’re out of alignment. They should lay flat inside your torso. This rib flare is a sign that your core muscles aren’t doing their job. Specifically, the deep core...

4 Truths to Get Toned Muscles

It’s the new year and I’ve asked my clients about their fitness goals for the year.  Many have said they want to get toned muscles. Despite it being January, getting more definition is the number two goal I hear from my clients all year around.  It’s...

Strength Workout Template

Have you ever wanted to dive into the brain of a personal trainer?  How do they design their workout programs for their clients?  Why is a particular exercise included in the workout? I’m going to let you in on my thinking.  There is a method to the madness! ...

Master the Basics First

Have you seen the Pixar movie, “Up?” If you have, you probably remember the cute scene with Doug, the talking dog, who gets distracted by a squirrel. Like Doug, it’s so easy to get sidetracked by a shiny new object dangling nearby.  There are...

How to Prevent a Slow Metabolism

Have you ever lived this?  You wake up one day, step on the scale, and realize you’ve gained 10 pounds in the past year.  And you think to yourself, “how did this happen?  I haven’t changed my eating habits.  Maybe I need to exercise more.”  So...

One Common Technique Mistake

I’ve been teaching group exercise classes and personal training for over a decade.? One of the most common technique mistakes I see occurs in the?staggered stance position.? Most of the time, you use staggered stance for one-arm rows, lunges and?tricep...