New School Ideas on Shoulder Impingement

Shoulder pain is pretty common.  And often people immediately assume that the pain is stemming from an issue in the rotator cuff. If you feel pain when raising your arm above your shoulder, it could be a lot of other muscles that are causing shoulder impingement.  Not...

Better Fascia, Better Brain

Over the past several years, the fitness industry has been learning more about fascia and connective tissue in addition to muscle anatomy to gain a better understanding of how the body works as a unit.  It’s no longer appropriate to think that muscles act in...

Tips for Preventing Knee Pain While Exercising

Over the course of my personal training career, I’ve heard my fair share of cracking and grinding knees.  These sounds and damage caused by trauma or years of poor exercise technique has led to squats, lunges, and the like to be added to the banned exercise...