How to Alkaline Your Body Safely

As a health-conscience reader, you’re looking for ways to eat naturally and promote a healthy digestive system.  This quest has probably led you to learn more about prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods.  And maybe you’ve come across information about...

Why Low Fat/Low Cal Foods Don’t Promote Weight Loss

You’re trying to lose weight.  You buy all the “right” foods.  The label says it’s low fat, so it must be healthy.  You eat low fat snacks and have low calorie lunches right out of the microwave and haven’t lost a single pound.  Sound...

Eat This, Don’t Eat That

“Drink 8 glasses of water a day.”  “Don’t eat foods high in fat.”  “Eat breakfast.”  “Don’t eat foods with gluten.”  There are enough food recommendations out there to really overwhelm a person!  Trying to...