Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain: you know…the kind where you can’t bend over because it hurts too bad.  And sitting for more than 5 minutes is torture. I’ve been there.  And some of my clients have experienced this kind of pain too.  So let’s talk about what...

Sciatica, Shooting Pain, and Hand Numbness

Sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other kinds of shooting pain really effect your quality of life.  In today’s post, we’ll cover typical approaches to treating these conditions as well as some additional strategies to help stop the pain. You’re...

Golfers Elbow Exercises

You know what stinks? Having golfers elbow when you don’t play golf!  I do lift weights three times a week though.  So this repetitive motion injury has reared it’s ugly head.  Because I’m a personal trainer, I didn’t go straight to Google to...

Neurological Threshold

Have you ever had your shoulder or knee start to hurt in the middle of a workout?  The first set or two is fine and then something just feels off: a click starts or pain sets in. You might think you sustained an injury.  But maybe it’s just your body’s way...

Stretches for Lower Back Pain

If you’ve ever had pain in your low back, you’ve probably Googled stretches for lower back pain.  Stretching and/or massage can temporarily relieve lower back pain, but it’s often not the cure. With my clients who have been doing stretches for lower...

Sciatica Pain Treatment

If you feel that all too familiar shooting pain down the back of your leg, you probably have researched sciatica pain treatment. I’ve worked with a number of clients who report sciatica pain and have found that the most common solution they hear is to stretch...