5 Lessons Learned From A Cleanse

If you had asked me a year ago if I’d be willing to do a cleanse, I would have said no.  My thinking was that cleanses were either a rapid weight loss gimmick or a liquid/starvation diet.  This was a case of me not doing research on cleanses and immediately...

Good Hormones Behaving Badly

When you think about over-active hormones, the image of a teenager with acne may come to mind. But, what about us adults? It may be alarming to learn that our hormones may be contributing to weight gain. Our society has evolved from times of neediness for food to...

Outsmart Being Overweight

I have to admit, I used to think weight loss was easy.  Just eat less and move more and a new slimmer you appears!  And while that statement remains true, it is tremendously hard for people to lose weight.  That’s why there are more programs and diets and...

What We Can Learn From Weight Watchers

I’m not a fan of diets.? To summarize a past blog post, diets are temporary.? When you return to eating the way you always have, you gain the weight back.? The only eating plan I even come close to recommending is Weight Watchers.? Why?? Because you make your...